Complaints Handling Policy

Complaints Handling Policy

STRATA ONE complaints/ grievances/ feedback POLICY and procedure

Strata One Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring that any person or organisation using services provided by Strata One Pty Ltd or affected by its operations has the right to lodge a complaint and to have their concerns addressed in ways that ensure access and equity, fairness, accountability and transparency. The organisation will provide a complaints management procedure that:

  • is simple and easy to use;
  • is available to all members, clients and stakeholders via the Strata One Pty Ltd website;
  • ensures complaints are fairly assessed and responded to promptly;
  • is procedurally fair and follows principles of natural justice; and
  • complies with legislative requirements.

Section 1 – Background and Purpose

  • This Policy and Procedure provides rules and guidance that applies to staff of Strata One Pty Ltd as to when an application is put forward to the strata managing agent of principal for complaint handling for all strata plans.

Section 2 – what can i make a complaint about

  • You can make a complaint to Strata One Pty Ltd about the delivery of Strata One Pty Ltd services. From time to time, Strata One Pty Ltd consults with the sector to determine a policy position or to gauge the views of the sector. It is not the intent of this policy to allow a person or organisation to complain about the outcome of such consultations if the final result does not agree with that person or organisations position. A person may however lodge a complaint if a documented consultation process was not followed, or if the process was flawed. Strata One Pty Ltd has as its members not-for-profit disability service providers who provide front line disability support services. We do not have the authority to directly investigate complaints about these organisations. If you have a complaint regarding one of our members, we recommend that you discuss the complaint with the organisation directly.

Section 3 – Policy Statement

  • This policy is to ensure the proper procedures to take place when a resident of a strata plan puts forward any feedback including complaints and compliments.

Section 4 – Procedures


  • A person wishing to make a complaint may do so in writing or verbally to:
  • the staff member they were dealing with at the time, unless you are making a complaint about this person;
  • the Principal, or If the complaint is about:
    • a product or service delivered by Strata One Pty Ltd, the complaint will normally be dealt with by the relevant strata manager;
    • a staff member, the complaint will normally be dealt with by the principal;
    • a senior staff member, the complaint will normally be dealt with by the Principal;
    • the Principal, the complaint will normally be dealt with by the Principal of Strata One Pty Ltd and the assistant principal of Strata One Pty Ltd;
    • Internal complaints, where a staff member makes a complaint concerning another staff member, will be dealt with in accordance with the Grievance Policy and Procedures of Strata One Pty Ltd.

Written complaints may be sent to the relevant Strata One Pty Ltd office. The relevant Licensee in Charge or the Original Licensee in Charge will be responsible for receiving this correspondence and directing it to the appropriate person.


  • The person managing the complaint will be responsible for:
  1. Registering the complaint:
  • registering the complaint in the Strata One Pty Ltd complaints register
  • informing the complainant that their complaint has been received and providing them with information about the process and time frame
  1. Investigating the complaint:
  • examining the complaint within 5 working days of the complaint being received
  • informing the complainant by letter within 10 working days of the complaint being received of what is being done to investigate and resolve it, and the expected time frame for resolution. As far as possible, complaints or appeals will be investigated and resolved within 20 working days of being received. If this time frame cannot be met, the complainant will be informed of the reasons why and of the alternative time frame for resolution.
  1. Resolving the complaint:
  • making a decision or referring to the appropriate people for a decision within 20 working days of the complaint being received
  • Informing the complainant of the outcome and any options for further action if required
  1. What if I am unhappy with the resolution?
  • If you are not happy with the outcomes of a complaint, you may be able to lodge a complaint with the Department of Fair Trading. The Department of Fair Trading’s office will determine if it has the power to investigate your complaint.

Section 5 – Record Keeping

A register of complaints will be kept by Strata One Pty Ltd. The register will be maintained by the Licensee in Charge and will record the following for each complaint:

  • Details of the complainant and the nature of the complaint
  • Date lodged
  • Action taken
  • Date of resolution and reason for decision
  • Indication of complainant being notified of outcome
  • Complainant response and any further action Copies of all correspondence and other materials received by Strata One Pty Ltd in connection with any complaints will be kept for 7 years. The complaints register and files will be confidential and access is restricted to the Licensee in Charge.

A statistical summary of complaints and appeals will also be kept by Strata One Pty Ltd and maintained by the Licensee in Charge. The Licensee in Charge will be responsible for preparing a report on received feedback and complaints once a quarter to the Strata One Pty Ltd Board if more than one member.

Be informed, have clarity and control over your strata building

Be informed, have clarity and control over your strata building